Happy Plugs Joy - Remote & Media Control




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    The left bud is not working, am i connecting it wrong?

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    Hi! I just got my Happy Plugs Joys last week and I was delighted to find out they automatically turned on upon opening the charging case and automatically disconnected when you put them back in, but now they've stopped doing it and a factory reset didn't help, I have to turn them on and off manually and turning off is really difficult when they keep turning back on when you try to place them in the case. What could help?

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    Gyuri Ledniczky

    The microphones don't work during calls and my voice is not hearable? Is there any solution to this problem? The other one is that the battery runs low in 3 hours of active usage...Thank you for your help



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    Customer Service

    Hi Jessica, 

    You can try resetting your headphones by following this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P84oexpISe8 Should you have further concerns, send us an email at help@happyplugs.com. Thank you! 

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